For over 50 years, Cen-Signal has been providing cutting edge technology to alarm dealers nationwide. After all, how are you going to compete if your monitoring station is holding you back?

POTS Lines
Virtually all formats are accepted by our Surgard System 5, Bosch, DMP and Osborne-Hoffman receivers. You can rest assured knowing that CenSignal has the very best phone line providers and built in redundancies to ensure that every signal reaches the central station every time.

2-way Voice
Cen-Signal is able to handle a wide variety of 2-way voice for emergency units, elevators and alarm panels. Full duplex voice and listen-in features are in demand today more than ever due to recent jurisdictional demands for audio and/or video verification before dispatch.

Web Access & Apps
Dealers and subscribers have the ability to view and test their accounts through our BoldNet Mobile app for smartphone, tablet or other smart devices. In addition to our app, dealers have the option of editing their accounts via PC or laptop through the online BoldNet portal or via third party integrations.

Email/Text Notification
This feature is used to alert your customers of signals from the alarm system such as open/close or trouble signals. This works similar to cellular device notifications, but it may also be used on traditional phone line accounts as well.

Cen-Signal's dealer answering service is always answered by a professional operator and then relayed to you through your choice of communication including text, email or a traditional phone call.

Cen-Signal offers a wide variety of emailed reports to our dealers, but did you know that we can also email a report to your subscriber for things such as open/close, alarms and trouble signals? Cen-Signal can set this up to automatically generate on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Whether you are billing monthly, quarterly or annually, Cen-Signal can take care of your subscriber billing needs.
Services include:
Invoicing your customers
Accepting and processing your payments
Providing numerous reports to keep you informed
Quick payment turnaround


Cen-Signal meets or exceeds all UL and FM approval standards for technology, redundancy, testing, personnel and other procedures. Automatic call recording and computerized dialing reduce the chance of error and protect you from undue liability. Daily dispatch audits help to ensure proper call handling and keep response times within appropriate limits. Random drug testing and criminal background checks provide an added measure of security.

Cen-Signal is setup with multiple cellular providers and can readily accept transmission of signals as well as 2-way voice in most devices.
Telguard ♦ Uplink ♦ AlarmNet ♦ DMP ♦ Alula/IPDatatel ♦ Alarm.com ♦ Napco ♦ M2M ♦ Connect24 ♦ Honeywell CLSS ♦ SecureNet ♦ And more as they become available!

Internet Protocol
Cen-Signal has several receivers and IP line cards that are set up to receive signals via the internet. These receivers may be used as a direct line of communication from the subscriber to the central station with no need for a middle man. This cuts down on cost and increases your range of options for that discerning customer.

Video Verification

Caller ID Infusion
Cen-Signal understands that sometimes people don't answer calls on their cell phones because they don't recognize the number. In an effort to mitigate the missed call issue we have one number that will display when trying to reach your subscribers. This allows you to let your customers know the exact number to save and even have them save it under your company's name. This number may also be customized if you currently have your customers calling your office and using a voice attendant to route those calls to us.